Acupuncture is the oldest, continuously practiced medical system in the world. This highly effective system of medical care is based on natural laws, which govern the movement of vital life giving energy, both in nature and in the body. Acupuncture is a healing modality that utilizes extremely fine, sterile, disposable needles to facilitate healing. This form of therapy originated thousands of years ago in China and is the most well tested and thoroughly documented system of medicine on earth.
Energy, also known as qi, moves through the body in precise channels supporting functions of the body, mind, and spirit. When the qi is not in harmony, imbalances begin to surface in the form of specific symptoms. To address the underlying causes of a condition, these symptoms are viewed in relationship to the totality of a person in order to explore the root cause. The gentle insertion of hair thick, filiform needles at specific points along the channels of qi energy helps to restore harmony at the deepest level of the body and spirit. In the presence of this subtle, yet, profound intervention, symptoms are often resolved quickly and patients frequently experience a deep personal transformation. |
Fertility And Acupuncture
Acupuncture Has Shown to Increase Success Rate of IVF Acupuncture is an alternative way of treating couples that have a history of fertility issues. It is also often seen as a complementary therapy to modern fertility treatments. It is believed that acupuncture helps by regulating the body’s system, that it aids in blood flow to the reproductive organs and stabilizes hormone levels. This in turn will increase ovarian function in women and also has increased sperm production in men. Acupuncture practitioners may also recommend dietary guidance including herbs for infertility that will help as well. Used as a complementary form of therapy for women undergoing other fertility treatments, acupuncture has been proven to be a significant help. Some believe that acupuncture works by helping women stay more relaxed through stressful fertility treatments. In particular, studies have shown that acupuncture definitely increases the rate of pregnancy in women undergoing in IVF as well as IUI. A recent American study involving 114 women showed that 51% of the women who had acupuncture and IVF treatments became pregnant versus only 36% of the women who had IVF alone. Deeper analysis of this study revealed that the women in the acupuncture group miscarried at a ratio of 8 percent compared to 20 percent in the IVF only group. Furthermore, women who received acupuncture also had lower rates of ectopic pregnancies. It is recommended to call the office and schedule a preliminary meeting to determine the best course to follow in your case. Every patient has individual needs and recommendations will be made according to your history. We have had great success with our patient base. It is recommended to get clearance concerning fertility from your health care provider. |
Sports Performance Enhancement
Acupuncture to Enhance Sports Performance Our Sports Medicine Acupuncture offers you the athlete an edge. It allows you to maximize your level such that you gain insight, balance and endurance. Whether you want to improve or rehab, I am confident that ACUPUNCTURE can offer your desired solution. I have worked with many athletes over the years that have had great success with regular Acupuncture treatments. As one progresses with treatment, there is an experience of accumulation of recovery. This is why it is important to get regular treatments for not only injury but performance enhancement. Every Athlete is looking to improve performance. If this is your goal, then you must begin acupuncture treatments. Whether you are competing in high school athletics, college, semi-professional, professional, Olympic or the weekend warrior, Acupuncture has much to offer to your performance outcome. When you stress, strain, or injure yourself Acupuncture is the solution. Acupuncture will assist in the recovery process. Our Acupuncturist, Dana Harbison, MSOM, enjoys working with athletes – Dana advises, “I have been able to target specific injuries by isolating the muscular imbalances as well as personal causative factors. My patients report relief and a return of energies (also known as Qi- chee) such that injured tissues repair and recover quickly. Acupuncture can help you to stay well and maintain maximum performances. If you have an injury - acute, chronic or repetitive then Acupuncture will speed your recovery time such that you get back to doing what it is you love to do - train and compete!” |
Call or email us to discuss your specific questions about Acupuncture and schedule your appointment today!